Eight Habits of
Highly Effective 21st Century Teachers
By Andrew Churches
He or she must be able to
adapt the curriculum and the requirements to teach the curriculum in
imaginative ways. A 21st
century educator must be able to adapt
software and hardware designed for a business model into tools utilizable by
variety of age groups and abilities, also the must be able to adapt to a
dynamic teaching experience even when the technologies fail, the show must go
The visionary educator can
look at others ideas and envisage how they would be use in his/her class. They
can make links that reinforce and value learning in other areas and leverage in
other fields to reinforce their own teaching and the learning of their
As a 21st century
educator we must be able to integrate these collaborative tools like MSN, Bebo,
MySpace, Second life Wikispaces, Blogger and more to enhance and captivate our learners. Also we too must
be collaborators; sharing, contributing, adapting and inventing.
As a 21st century
educator you must take risks and sometimes surrender yourself to the students. If
not how can you venture into all these discovery, know them and teach the
students how to use them, because there are so many ,so much to learn. Hence,
you must take the risk.
We must stay current, a 21st
century educator learn each day, because
learning is continuous. It is a ‘’life long exercise’’. He/she must not be
using a lesson plan prepared five years ago, but rather learn new things and
A 21 st century educator is a good speaker and have a
total communication skills. They are fluent in tools and technologies that enable
communication and collaboration, also they go beyond learning just how to do
it, they also know how to facilitate it, stimulate and control it, moderate and
manage it.
The 21st century educator is a model, by
teaching the students values because as an educator we are often the most consistent part of our
student life. We see them more often, for longer and more reliably than their
parents. However this is not a criticism of the parents rather a reflection.
The 21 st century educator also model reflective practice , whether its quiet,
personal inspection of their teaching and learning , or through reflective
practice through via blogs, twitter and
other medium, these educators look both inwards and outwards.
Leadership is learned
behavior that becomes unconscious and automatic over time. For example leaders
can make several important decisions about an issue in the time it takes others
to understand the question. The process of making decisions comes from an
accumulation of experiences and encounters with multitude of difference
circumstances, personality types and unforeseen failures. The most successful
leaders are instinctual decision makers.
By EdTech Team
21st century educators should be able to:
Create and edit digital audio
2. Use social bookmarking to share resources with and between
learners.3. Use blogs and wikis to create online platforms for students
4. Exploit digital images for classroom use.
5. Use video content to engage students
6. Use info graphics to visually stimulate
7. Use social networking sites to connect with colleagues and grow
8. Create and deliver asynchronous
presentations and training sessions
9. Compile a digital e-portfolio for their own development.10. Be able to detect a plagiarized works in students assignments.
11. Create screen capture videos and
13.Curate web content for classroom learning.14. Use and provide students with task management tools to organize their works and plan their learning.
15.Use polling software to create a real-time survey in class. 16. Understand issues related to copyright and fair use of online materials.
17.Use digital assessment tools to create
18.Find and evaluate
authentic web based content.19 Use digital tools for time management purpose.
20. Use note taking tools to share interesting content with your students.
21.Use of online sticky notes to capture interesting ideas.
Conclusively, the 21 st
century educators are policy maker, designer, leader, minister, nurse and many
more. They think outside the box seizing the tiniest opportunity to explore and
deliver qualitative contents to their learners.
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